Monday, January 5, 2009

Too long!

Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I've made a post. I must admit, I've recently gotten into the Facebook craze and have been posting a lot pics and tidbits on there. I will try to give you a bit of an update and will post some pictures when I'm at home.

On the pregnancy front:
My blood pressure has been holding steady. It's elevated a little above normal but at this point my doctor is just keeping an eye on things. I have a c-section scheduled for January 26th. That's 21 days from today and it is approaching fast! I'm really getting excited and can't wait to meet sweet Hannah. It's surprizing to me how different I'm feeling and thinking about this delivery in comparision with Emma.

  • I'm not in a hurry. With Emma, I couldn't wait for her to be here. Obviously, I didn't want her to be born prematurely or have health issues but if I thought she could be born at 30 weeks just perfect, I totaly would have been in :) This time, I'm still anxious but I'm trying to relish our last weeks with Emma as our only baby, get things ready at home, sleep and tie up loose ends at work. I know Hannah will be here in God's perfect timing and I'm content with that.
  • I'm not afraid of delivery. Not that I'm a "pro" by any means, but at least I have an idea of what to expect this time. With Emma, I would break into tears anytime I even thought about delivery because I was so fearful of what it would be like, how I would handle it and recover, etc. Even though having a c-section is not ideal, my first experience was a good one and I'm not afraid of the procedure itself or the recovery. I think the hardest pary will be the fact I won't be able to pick up Emma for a while. Love and affection aside, she'll only be 16 months and it's still a necessity in daily activites to lift and carry her some. Hopefully she (and I) will be able to get creative and make it through the first few weeks. Kevin will be around quite a bit and I know he'll be awesome at helping with that sort of thing.
  • I'm a little sad. I'm not sad that Emma might feel a little jealousy or that her routine may be jostled. Those things aren't great but I know it's part of being a family and being a sibling. I'm just a little sad that she won't be our only baby anymore. From the beginning, we felt in our heart that we wanted at least two children and for them to be close in age. We still feel this is the right thing for our family and have no regrets. I just wonder what it will be like to have two to focus our attention on. Emma truly has been pure joy in our lives and we feel so blessed to be her Mommy and Daddy.

We are so excited about her upcoming arrival and can't wait to introduce her to all of you! My step-mom will be coming on the 25th and will stay for a week to help take care of Emma while Kev and I are at the hospital and for that we are very thankful!!

On to Emma-

That girl is growing and learning so much every day it's crazy! She's 15 months now and is so smart. Here are a few new "tricks" she's learned:.

  • she knows her hair, eyes, nose, ears, tongue, teeth, belly, arms, legs, feet and butt
  • she knows the sign motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus, If you're Happy and You Know it..., and Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
  • she says Mama, Dada, Emma, thank you, shoes, eyes, no, yes, bye-bye, bubbles, bath, ball, uh-oh, more, Jack, Baby, kitty, yum-yum, binky, and so many more. She picks up new words every day and we're constantly looking at each other and saying, "Did she just say _____?!"
  • The girl can dance! She used to just bounce a little bit when she heard music. Now she has a repretoire of moves. She shakes her hips, stomps her feet, she'll spin in circles, wave her arms, bounce, or any combination. She's got soul but I don't know where she got it!
  • She's learning how to help "clean up" She knows where her shoes and books go and will help me put them up. I try making it fun and like a game and so far I've got her fooled :)
  • She's starting to pretend play. She is totally a girly-girl. She has a bunch of those plastic rings that interlock together. You know, they ones that make a chain and you can attach other toys to them? Yeah, well she's discovered that they make good bracelets. I don't wear bracelets nor have I ever showed her how to put them on her wrist but she's figured it out. She'll put several on each wrist, put a purse on her arm and wrap an article of clothing around her neck like a boa and strut around the house. It's adorable and she's totally decided to do it all on her own. She's also started babying her babies. She will now wrap a blanket around her kitty and lay him down like he's sleeping. Super cool stuff.

I could go on but you're probably sick of reading! I'll post some pics from Christmas and my ever-growing belly. I promise I'll try to update more often (at least for the next few weeks until I'm in zombie mode) Hope all is well with each of you and that we see you all soon!!


Mae said...

sweet emma! that girl is too funny! we can't wait to see you all and to meet miss hannah!!

Jill said...

We too are ready for Hannah to get here! I can't believe what a big girl Emma is. They just grow too fast! We love you guys!