Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Emma had a great first day at our church preschool today! She was so excited this morning to, "Go to school!" (although she wasn't sure what that meant!) She was a little tearful during our goodbye but settled quickly and had a great time. Her teachers, Miss Becky and Miss Stephie said she was very funny but did not want to take a nap on her mat. She sat quietly but didn't sleep any which made for a very fussy and cranky Emma this evening. Hopefully she'll get the hang of that part soon so she's not quite so exhausted and spent by the time she comes home.

I know will now overload you with pictures from her day :)
All ready to go with her Elmo backpack!
Her new lunchbox with her name on it
They keep all their stuff in little bins that line the hallway, so it doesn't clutter the classroom. You can see her little nametag above her bin (with is only about a foot off the floor; so cute!)
Her little pseudo-report card for the day :)

Right as I was picking her up, all the kids got to pick a lollipop out from the teacher as a treat for the ride home. Emma's teeth and tongue were blue by the time we got home :)


newmanfamily said...

So cute! Glad she had a first day! John and Clara start on Monday. I decided to send them to Fellowship UMC since it is closer. I have a feeling Clara is going to be the same way with her nap. She likes her bed!

Amy said...

So glad the first day of school went great. My kids loved going there last year. Hope all is well in Tennessee. Tell everyone hello from us!

Mae said...

So sweet! I'm glad the first day went well! I can't believe the baby girl is so, so big!! Sniff. I'm thrilled that we'll be seeing you soon. Kisses all around!