Saturday, September 12, 2009

Date Night

I took my sweet Emma on a date last night.

I had originally planned on dropping both of the girls off at FBC for the MOPS' Parents Night Out but later decided to just send Hannah. Emma had a very teary and clingy day at preschool on Thursday and I've been having some behavior problems with her lately; it occurred to me that she would benefit (me too) greatly from some one-on-one Mommy time. She doesn't need anything fancy to make her happy. Just some time with mama.

So, I took her to Chik-fil-A for a huge brownie a la mode. She loved it and kept saying, "Mommy turn!", meaning she was allowing me to take a bite every once in a while. ha! She is making such a funny face in this picture but I thought it was precious.
After we finished our treat she played in their indoor playland. She loves it so much. She's still not brave enought to climb up high and go through the tunnels and slide but she loves exploring the ground-level stuff and just running around being silly.

Unfortunately, I actually developed a crazy migraine while we were out so our date got cut a little shorter than I would have liked. I really think she had a good time and we shared some good cuddles and kissies. She kept kissing my head for me and saying, "Mommy all better." What she doesn't realize, is it really did make it better :)
I also wanted to post a cute little video of Hannah. She rolls all over the living room and is starting to try to scoot around. She got herself all rolled up in a blanket on the floor this morning and it was so cute! (disclaimer: I've said this before but please try to ignore my crazy 3 yr old voice!)


newmanfamily said...

Glad you had some good one-on-one time before your migraine set in! I love special one-on-one times!

Jill said...

So glad you had a good time and that your headache went away! Those girls are precious- such a blessing!

Mae said...

Aww, sweet girls! I'm so glad you had some good time with Emma before the migraine (and it totally stinks that your date was interrupted). You're such a good mama. Can't wait to see you!