Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wishes, Hails, and Farwells

We have been having a really great week. Emma is feeling MUCH better! Turns out, poor girl had some pretty bad double ear infections. Boo. But, she's on antibiotics and by the second day she was back to her old self again.

Hannah got a fun surprize in the mail from her Auntie Mae and Uncle Ian (or Uncle Ebee, as Emma would say.) It is a sweet growth chart to hang on her wall. Each increment has a "wish", a total of 100! It's so precious and matches the quilt that they got Emma after she was born. What really makes it sweet is her name and birthday are embroidered at the top. I can't wait for Hannah to be big enough to stand up next to it and see how much she's grown. Thanks, guys!
I also attended my very first "military event" tonight. Don't get too excited, it was pretty casual. Kevin's unit had a Hail and Farwell. Basically, they welcome in new officers and say goodbye to those who are leaving. Kevin was "Hailed" tonight since he is new. It was pretty fun and I got to meet some of the other wives. I may have accidentally gotten myself roped into doing some FRG stuff after talking to the commander's wife; ha, we'll see how that goes. Uncle Joe and Auntie Jill hung out with the girls tonight so we could go. I meant to have them take a picture of us before we went but I totally forgot :) So, I had Kevin take my picture after we got home. I am going to have to corner him to get a uniform picture soon!
Hope all is well with everyone!