Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Ventures for Everyone!

Wow, things have been busy around here. Last week, we were so lucky to have Mae, Ian, and baby K come visit us. We had such a good time hanging out and catching up. We also took the three cousin girls to have their picture taken! It took 2 tries but we finally got some really cute shots.

We all have embarked on some new ventures. Kevin has officially started working in the ER in the post hospital and will continue until he leaves for OBC in July *sigh* :(

I have started a new Ladies' Bible study and am just loving it. It is a video series of a conference by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur on the life of David. We just had the first week and I am super pumped and feel like God is really going to work some change in my heart and my life.

Hannah Sue has just cut her first tooth!!!! We didn't even know she was teething but I felt around in her mouth yesterday and sure enough there was a little pearly white barely poking through. I told her we could start with some cereal but she would really prefer some steak! ha!

Miss Emma has something pretty exciting to share also. She has started potty-training! Lord help us. I've actually been dreading this; I don't mind diapers but boy I hate pee on the floor! ha! She's been showing signs for a while now, though, that she's ready. Say some prayers for Mommy!


Mae said...

Oh my! What big developments since we left! I'll be praying for you that the potty training is no big thing. :) I was just talking with some mommy friends today & they were saying maybe it's best to potty train in the summer & just let the little one run around naked in the yard. :) And I TOTALLY can't believe sweet Hannah cut a tooth! I think she's after the cream puffs! Miss you & love you!

Mrs. Misty said...

Let me know how the potty training goes. I have really been wanting to start with Garrett. I am totally ready to only have one in diapers...I feel like all I do is wipe butts!!!

newmanfamily said...

Just wanted to say Hey and leave a comment since we are fellow blog stalkers! ha! Hope you have a good week and see you on Wednesday!