Friday, March 21, 2008


I've been tagged by my dear friend Laura.

You have to tag 5 people (you can't tag the person that tagged you)-You leave them a comment on their blog (‘you’re tagged’ and ‘why’)-Direct them to your blog for instructions…when you get tagged, you post ten fun facts about yourself!

So, in no particular order, here are my 10:

1. I love coffee. I drink it every single day and feel miserable if I don't. I tried desperately to give it up when I was pregnant but then I was getting caffeine-withdraw headaches! I love it with lots of cream, no sugar. I am totally happy to pay outrageous prices for Starbucks and Churchills. Coffee is how I socialize, it's how I work, it's how I worship. You'll never see me at work, with friends or at church without my trusty travel mug.

2. I love video games. Mainly in the Nintendo family. Recently, however, I've developed a love for PS2 Guitar Hero. Rock on, baby. I grew up playing Mario and Zelda with my mom, who was also a video game nerd. Before miss Emma came along, I could completely lose myself in Zelda Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask and an entire day would pass before I realized it. Unfortunately for me, I'm really good at getting all the way to the end of a game but then not having the skills to beat "The Big Boss." Oh well. One of these days when I have some free time...

3. I love naps. Sometimes on the weekend, I will mentally "schedule" a nap. I like to stretch out on our couch with a blanket and pillow and crank the ceiling fan and snooze away. I was one of those weird kids that always asked if it was nap time yet. I've always been a person who needs plenty of sleep to function but I always seem to come up short. (Maybe that's the reason for my #1). I like to take naps outside, too. I grew up on a country road with no neighbors in sight. I would lay on our picnic table and sleep under the sun. Those are some sweet memories.

4. I love my husband. I've known since the day I met Kevin, when I was 15, that he was the one God had for me. We have so much fun together and think the same things are funny. He lets me be a dork and clumsy and awkward and then tells me I'm beautiful. He picks me up when I'm weak but still allows me to be strong. He can read my heart and knows all my secrets. He is gorgeous and romantic and funny and smart and faithful. He is my everything and I am thankful to God for blessing my life with him.

5. I love my baby. She is my joy and my earthly purpose. I never tire of staring at her or snuggling her or comforting her. My biggest fear is that I will fail her (which is probably inevitable to happen at some point). I daydream about the plans God has for her life and the great things He will do through her. I hope she loves God. I hope she hates scary movies. I hope that she will let me hug and kiss her when she's 14 and I hope that she can come to me with any problem. I hope she is athletic like Kevin and has a heart for people like me. I hope she keeps her blue eyes.

6. I love God. I've always known He was there but I ran from him for a long time. I didn't discover a personal relationship with him until about 3 years ago. I am thankful for his mercy and grace; without them, I wouldn't stand a chance. He has proven himself faithful in my life, has blessed me beyond what I deserve and gives me a hope.

7. I am domestically disabled. I want very badly to be June Cleaver, but it ain't never gonna happen! I know how to cook but I absolutely hate to do it. I can often be pretty lazy (see #3). I hate to run errands. I hate balancing the checkbook. I leave laundry in the dryer for days and pretty much refuse to clean the litterbox. That being said, I do clean quite a bit (the kitchen, bathrooms, sweeping, dusting, etc.) The problem there is that I don't pick up after myself once everything is clean. It's kind of a never-ending battle. Thankfully, Kevin is a great and willing cook. He reluctantly but faithfully cleans the litterbox. He's good with the money and doesn't mind running to the Post Office.

8. My name is Mandy, and I am a Shopaholic. Just ask Kevin, the one with the checkbook. I love to buy things. I love shoes and clothes and purses and baby stuff and home decor. I love scrapbook stuff, electronic stuff, and pet stuff. If there's a sale in a 40 mile radius, I'll find it. I'm exaggerating a little, but not much. I think I've gotten better since Emma has arrived. I really really really hope that I don't pass the shopping gene on to her.

9. I love to read. I used to read borderline romance novels by Jenny Crusie. I have most of them. My latest passion has been Christian stuff. I really like Max Lucado, John Ortberg and Gary Thomas. My favorite book of late has been Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. This book was totally written for me and has changed my life and my relationship with God. If you've never been into Christian literature or if you've ever struggled with your faith on any level, I totally recommend it.

10. I really enjoy my life. I don't have much room for complaint. I have an awesome job with Jordan Valley Community Health Center and recently got a promotion. I work with amazing people who are totally dedicated to serving others. I have an awesome church that lifts me up, inspires me and refreshes my soul. I have some amazing friends who've become like family and are always around when I need them. My family is amazing. Both my natural peeps and my in-laws, I am truly blessed with a circle of love. My husband and daughter complete my happiness. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!

So, I can only tag 2 people because everyone else I know has already been tagged! I'm going after Mae and Jill.


Mrs. Misty said...

OK...I have read your post and I have a few things I think you should look into.
You love to read...You are domestically challenged...You are a shopaholic...
Sophie Kinsella is a hilarious author. She is total fluff reading though. She has written The Undomestic Goddess (I have it to read while on maternity leave), she also wrote..Confessions of a Shopaholic, Shopaholic Take Manhattan, Shopaholic Gets Married, Shopaholic and Sister, and...Shopaholic and Baby!!!!!

Missy and Brad said...

FUN stuff! Enjoyed reading your list!