Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kevin passed the HESI!

What is the HESI? Basically, MSU's nursing program requires all seniors to pass a comprehensive HESI in order to graduate and be eligible to sit for their boards. It is a huge, standardized test that covers everything they've learned from the start of the program. It's rumored that the HESI is designed to be more difficult than their acutal boards. Why? Simple. In order to remain in good standing for their accreditation status, MSU needs a high pass rate on state boards. They don't need a high graduation rate. So, they administer a test harder than state boards as a graduation requirement with the idea that everyone who takes the boards has already passed a harder exam. Whew, that was kind of exhausting!

Anyway, it's a huge test that they anticipate for 2 years and they finally got to get it over with today. I am happy to report that Kevin passed with a 96%!!! Yay!!! It's easy sailing from here until graduation.

I've had a good week, too. I'm getting settled into my new job as the Pediatric Clinic manager. It has been really awesome (and a little nerve-wracking) stepping into this new role. Everyone has been really supportive and encouraging.

Emma's first two teeth came through last week. She really didn't have too hard of a time with it. I'm hoping the rest come in as smoothly. She's getting better and better at rolling over and is getting close to sitting up on her own. Also, she has fallen in love with her feet! She loves to hike her legs up in the air and grab on to both of her feet and stick them in her mouth.

Our Bible study with Dave and Cort has been going really well. We're in II Corinthians now. I really feel like I have grown and developed alot during our studies. We've also decided to become accountability partners for each other.
We hope all of you are having a great week and are ready for a fabulous weekend!
Here's a sweet pic of Emma. She looks like she's doing a hula dance! I love her blue eyes...


Mae said...

That's awesome!! Kev, you're a rock star! Many, many congratulations! Glad to hear things are going well with your new gig, too, Mandy. The pics of Emma are so cute. She looks so different! Love you!

GLS said...

Good job Kevin! I love that picture of Emma- she does look like a little hula girl. See you guys Sunday!

Jill said...

Yea for Kevin! Those Costello boys sure are great! I hope things continue to go well for you at work and congrats to you too! I love that first pic it looks professional. She is so sweet! Kiss her cheeks for me. Miss and love you all!