Emma has had something interesting come up...literally. Not trying to get too graphic, but she has a knot under her right baby boobie. We've noticed it off and on for a couple of weeks now and have just been watching to see if anything changes. We finally decided to have the doctor look at it. Basically, her right nipple is inverted and purple in color. It feels almost like she has a marble under her skin. It isn't tender and doesn't seem to bother her at all. The doc thinks it might be a benign cyst but we're going to take her for an ultrasound, just to be sure. Poor baby.
She continues to be an eating champ. We introduced her to sweet peas tonight (see pic) and she loves them. She tries to grab the spoon with each bite so I let her have it tonight. She actually just kept putting it in her mouth and chewing on it. Who knows, maybe this is an early sign that she'll be good with utensils.
She's had trouble sleeping the last few nights. She just seems a little irritable and restless. You can tell that she is so sleepy and wants to give it up but just can't
seem to relax. We ended up bringing her to bed with us last night, just so we could all have a good night. It's a catch-22 with the whole "family bed" idea. The down-sides are that it's not the safest, it's hard to break the habit when they are older, and (let's be honest) you've got a munchkin between you and your spouse. On the positive, though, it's convenient, baby's love to snuggle up to you, and there's nothing more awesome than waking up in the morning face-to-face with an angel.
Last night was very sweet. But, sorry sugar, it's back to the crib tonight.
Emma is getting SO close to rolling from her back to her belly. We expect her to make the first tumble over any day now. She's also learned how to pull her shirt/dress/blanket/bib up over her face now. This allows her to chew and slobber on it. It's pretty cute, actually.
I'm pooped tonight and tomorrow is going to be a doozey at work. So, it's time to retire for the evening. G'night!
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