Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Please pass the squash"

So, it turns out that Emma doesn't like baby cereal. As I mentioned in a previous post, Kevin and I tasted it and concluded it tasted like butt, so we're not surprised she's not on board. What she does like, however, is squash. Mmmmm, butternut squash. After my friend Misty told me her son didn't like the cereal either and they just "skipped" it, I thought we'd introduce a veggie to Emma. She loves it. She smacks her lips and kicks her feet and flaps her arms with delight. She even tries to grab the spoon while it's in her mouth. It's pretty fun.

She's also started showing her first signs of stranger anxiety. There's been a few times that someone she doesn't know very well has held her and she starts crying. I've been dreading this because I don't want her to be miserable when I leave her in the church nursery or with a sitter. I must admit, though: it is nice to know that she loves Mommy and Daddy best!

Springfield has been hit with a small winter storm and has been covered with ice the last two days. It is nothing in comparison to the ice we had last January. Nonetheless, school's been out and a few places have had intermittent power. It is supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow, though, so the ice should disappear.

On this past Saturday, I went to a baby shower for my good friend Misty. She's having a baby girl sometime in the weeks ahead. The shower was so much fun and she got so many cute things. Miss Isabel is going to be quite stylish. We had planned on going over to Misty's on Monday night to take them dinner and hang out but the weather was crummy so we couldn't. We are going to reschedule our dinner date very soon though!! (Let me know when, Misty)

On Sunday we had our Bible study with Dave and Cort. We didn't make it to the "love chapter" but we will next week. I am really enjoying our discussions. In a sense, it's nicer that we're not following a book or study. We just talk about whatever comes to mind or how the scripture has stirred our heart. Very awesome.


GLS said...

That's kind of the way I act with butternut squash too!! lol

p.s. Love the Ben Stiller quote you left us!!

Mae said...

I can't believe Emma's such a big girl now! I'm glad you're enjoying the Bible study so much. It sounds fantastic. I miss you guys a lot!
love -