Thursday, December 13, 2007

What a Year (Well, 18 months)

Kevin and I always joke that we hope the upcoming year will be very boring. We have had a crazy life for the last 18 months.

  • Last June, we bought a house

  • August, we got married

  • December, my mom died

  • Also December, we found out Kevin's mom had cancer

  • January, we find out we're pregnant

  • Also January, the ice storm happens, our house is wrecked and we live in a hotel for 3 months

  • September, our baby girl is born

  • Now it's December again and we're excited to be celebrating Christmas, but it's also a reminder that my Mom is gone.

Along with the obvious saddness of losing my mother, the biggest stress has been over my 3 younger siblings who still live at home. My 15 yr old sister and I have the same dad, and the twins (11) have a different dad. So, on top of losing our mom, they had to move to a new town/school and were separated. Luckily, they both moved to the same town: Farmington. We were so afraid that it would be more stress than they could handle and cope with, but I'm happy to say that they have strived this past year. My little brother, Eric, has cerebral palsy and is continuing to excel in his therapies. Laura is in marching band and theatre and Lindsey has just started band. They still think about Mom all the time, obviously, but they are adjusting, doing awesome in school, and have made many new friends. I am so proud to call myself their big sister. I thought I'd post some pics of them that we took this last weekend when we went to Farmington to celebrate Christmas and a pic of me and Mom at my wedding. Please keep our family in your prayers as the 1 year anniversary of Mom's passing is next week, the 18th. Love to all!


Mrs. Misty said...

I will be thinking of you in the coming days and weeks. I am glad to hear that your siblings are doing well!!!

Mae said...

Wow - You've been a busy blogger! I didn't realize I was so far behind. We absolutely will be thinking of you all and praying for you not just this week, but always. I know it's not the same, but you are a loved and treasured part of our family... and your siblings are, too. Take good care of yourself this week. Can't wait to see you!

Missy and Brad said...

We will keep you and your family in our prayers, Mandy. We hope that all of you have a blessed Christmas. Thank you for your very kind words on our blog about my solo in church Sunday. It meant a lot to me.