Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Growing Girl

Emma is growing so fast! Every day she is doing new things and interacting with us more; it is so exciting to watch someone mature and learn about their world. Emma is becoming very aware of her hands which she is now clasping together all the tme. She is starting to reach for things and bat at her toys. I've noticed that she uses her right hand a lot more than her left, so I'm wondering if that means she'll be a righty.
Her other favorite thing to do is stick her tongue out. All the time. It's so funny because she looks like a little lizard moving her tongue in and out.
A sleep update: She is doing fantastic. She has learned our routine and is happy to go to bed every night. We usually only have to go in to her once before she falls asleep, and sometimes not at all. She goes right back to sleep after feeding AND, dare I say it and jinx ourselves, she's starting to sleep 5-7 hour stretches instead of 4!!!!!
Being a mom rocks and I'm cherishing every moment I have with her before I return to work the first of the year.


Jill said...

Those pictures are so sweet! She is such a little diva already. I am so glad you are enjoying this time with her...they are only so little so long. Yea for you guys and the sleep training! You deserve medals! I am so glad things are going well. We miss you.

Missy and Brad said...

WOW! What a cutie pie! Thanks for sharing such lovely pics of Miss Emma!