Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Early Christmas Present

A guy Kevin was in the Guard with gave Emma an exersaucer. If you aren't familiar with these things, they are fabulous. It's kinda like a walker without wheels. You can buy different toys to attach to the tray, that way you can trade them out and it is always like a "new" toy. Emma is still a little small for it, but she seemed to like standing. Her feet don't touch the bottom, so they just hung there. Her eyes were really big, though, and she seemed intrigued and pleased by this new experience.

In other news, we're going to meet with Emma's nanny Thursday night so they can have a little meet & greet. I will be returning to work when we get back from North Carolina. Luckily, Kevin will still be on break from school so Emma will be going to daycare part time for a while. Hopefully it will make for a smoother transition for all three of us.
Oh, by the way, we were in the church cantata this past weekend as........Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. I will post a picture later. Trust me, though, Emma was a fabulous baby Jesus. She did so good through three services and our whole church is in love with her now. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we did it.
Hope you're having a good week!


Anonymous said...

So Cute!!

GLS said...

That picture is too cute! Emma did great on Sunday (oh,and you guys too)! :-) Merry Christmas!!

Missy and Brad said...

I'm sorry we missed Emma's big debut as baby Jesus! I heard she was PERFECT! Have a Merry Christmas!