Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Labor Day

Today is the first day Kevin and I have both had the entire day off together in a long time. So, we've taken advantage of the occassion by not getting out of bed and having breakfast until 11. It's now 4pm and I haven't changed out of my pajamas. Ah, the good life. We won't have too many more of these type of days with Emma coming so soon.

Things have been going really well. We decided to go with the nanny I had wrote about last week, Kim. It is such a huge burden lifted off our shoulders knowing that we have good childcare lined up for when I return to work. I'm taking the full 12 weeks off for maternity leave and have lots planned since it will fall during the holidays. I think all of our family is going to come to Springfield for Thanksgiving. This is good because we probably won't feel up to traveling away from home yet and everyone from out of town can meet Emma. For Christmas, the plan is to fly to Charlotte and visit Kev's sister and husband. I've had people tell me that flying with a baby isn't too big a deal as long as you're prepared. Then, I'll return back to work the first week of January.

We've made some finishing touches to the nursery (although she won't be using it for several months.) I still need to get the carseat installed and get our bag packed, but that will come soon.

On a sadder note, the house diagonal across the street from us caught on fire this afternoon. We're not sure of any of the details yet, but it appears that noone was hurt. The house looks pretty destroyed. I think every fire engine in Springfield showed up to help battle the blaze. The family living there hasn't been moved in for very long. We haven't got to meet them but Kevin is pretty sure they have children. Hopefully we'll be able to connect with them after things settle down and see what we can help them with.

That's all for now. I think I'm going to put some real clothes on and maybe run to the store for some veggies. Kevin is slow-cooking a pork-loin; yumm!


GLS said...

Sounds like you had a great Labor Day!! Glad you guys found a nanny! I keep forgetting to tell you that I LOVE the name Emma...she's gonna be cutie!