Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Braxton-Hicks- my new friend

35 Weeks

I had an appointment this afternoon for a two week check. All morning, while at work, I was having contractions. I've been having sporadic contractions for a while now. Usually I'll have three or four in a row, they're painless and then they stop. This morning, however, I had a BUNCH and some of them started to hurt. I kinda freaked out but decided to just let it go until I went to my appointment.

Luckily, Dr. Stamps said this was perfectly normal and will probably just continue to get worse until Emma comes. He said that you can tell the Braxton-Hicks contractions from the real thing because they won't be consistant.

On a positive note, we met with another potential daycare provider this evening and we loved her. We're going to sleep on it before making a decision but I think we'll go with her. Yay!

That's all for now. I'm trying to compile a list of things I need to pack for me, Kev and Emma and our hospital stay. I'll try to get some of that together this weekend and maybe go and get her carseat installed. Talk to you all soon!!


Jill said...

I can't believe how close she is to being here. It seems like we just found out you were pregnant! I know things are especially speeding up for you guys right now. We couldn't be more excited and we are praying for you all the way! My prediction is that she will be here in 2 weeks. I just have a feeling. Keep us updated and hang in there!