Monday, September 24, 2007

This is what happiness looks like...

Ihave finally found a few minutes to sit down and update the blog. As Kevin mentioned in a previous post, I had a last minute c-section due to a bad induction. Everything went perfectly and we were able to come home on Saturday. They are still monitoring my blood pressure because it has continued to rise. My doc started me on a short term dose of medicine today which will hopefully bring it down.
The last few days have went by in a blur. Having Emma home is more wonderful than we had imagined. I find myself just staring at her and falling in love with all her cute little facial expressions and grunts. So far, she has been an easy baby and we're not feeling too sleep deprived yet. Since she was so little, Kevin had to go buy a few premie sized outfits so we would have some clothes that fit her. I must say she looks just darling in the little outfits Kevin has picked out for her.
I can't wait to try and upload a little video we made of her yesterday; it's darling. We'll keep everyone posted and will put up more pictures. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, support. Emma is lucky to have so many people love her.


Mae said...

Thanks for putting up a new post! I've been checking a little obsessively. :) I'm excited for new pics... I think I've memorized all the ones you posted so far! You have a beautiful daughter! I'm so glad things are going well. Make sure to take good care of yourself, too. We love you all!

Anonymous said...

She is perfect Mandy! I love her and I love you, I can't wait to meet her! I check your blog every day for updates, thanks for posting new pics. Please remember to take it easy and take care of yourself, I know you are the Queen of Overdoing It!