Saturday, September 8, 2007

Emma's Nursery

Emma's nursery theme is called Tropical Punch. We thought it was really cute because it wasn't too pink and had lots of fun colors. We still need to hang her curtains and there's nothing on the walls. It will be several months before she ever sleeps in here since her room is upstairs and ours is downstairs. In the meantime, it will just sit and be pretty and we'll come up to visit it and change clothes.
We went to Toys R Us today and bought another carseat base to have put in Kevin's car. We also got some netting that can fit over her playard and the crib, hoping it will keep Jack out of there when she's sleeping. Kevin also got the Dr. Seuss book Hop on Pop which he says is an essential. We then went to Hannah Bananas (my new favorite place) and had some gourmet ice cream. Yum!
I feel like I should be productive and get some housework done but what I really want is a nap. I've been really sleepy lately. I guess I should take advantage of sleep while I can. I'm feeling good for the most part but it's become pretty uncomfortable to walk/stand. There's so much pressure on my bladder and pelvis, it kinda hurts. Oh well, not much longer.
I am praying that God will let me work up until I deliver. I really need to be at my job as much as I can for as long as I can. I'm trying to get someone up to speed on all my duties so that they can cover me while I'm gone. This past week I've really started to feel crummy, though, and I'm hoping this doesn't mean I'll have to go on leave early. That's all for now. I'm going to try to get some more pics up of some of our favorite things people have gotten us for Emma as well as a really cute Halloween outfit we found for her. Hope all is well with everyone, lots of love!


Mrs. Misty said...

I love the bedding!!!! So would sure be nice to have a girly room!!! I hope everything works out and you will be able to work up until you have Emma. It is hard trying to get someone up to speed on everything you do before you leave...what you don't teach them, they will figure out when you are gone!!!

GLS said...

You're bedding is so cute!! Sounds like you guys are ready for little Miss Emma! Have a good week!

Jill said...

Emma's room is precious! Maybe I can hire you guys to do my baby room someday! Try not to stress too much at work...They will manage without you! I always stressed about being gone from my classroom if I was sick or at a meeting, but I soon realized that the place wouldn't fall apart without me. It is hard not to worry about it though. Just relax! We can't wait to see you all again. Love ya!