Friday, September 14, 2007

House Arrest

This past Wednesday I was placed on bed rest. Or, as I am referring to it, house arrest. I went in for a routine visit on Wed afternoon and my blood pressure was elevated a bit and I had some protein in my urine. My doctor sent me over to labor and delivery to have the baby checked and get some testing done. They then decided to keep me overnight for "observation" which turned into 2 nights. I got to come home this afternoon. I'm going back to the office Monday for some more tests and an exam. I am really really really hoping that I will either go into labor soon or will be induced. I'm full term so Emma should be able to be born safely. Also, I don't want things to get worse and start to feel more sick, which my doctor said will probably happen. And, I don't want to waste several weeks of my maternity leave lying on the couch.

According to my doctor, I can get up to shower and go to the bathroom and that's all. He said I can't do anything in the baby room, put away dishes, fold laundary, etc. Basically, that means poor Kevin is on his own for now. He has been totally awesome. In fact, right now he is at Price Cutter getting me some ice cream and snacks. He made some yummy dinner tonight and then picked up some around the house. It was so hard to just sit here on the couch and watch him do things. He has been totally accomodating and loving and I could not ask for anything more. I'll let everyone know how my visit on Monday goes. Maybe Emma's arrival won't be too far away. And, if it is, I'm open to suggestions for some good books to keep me occupied!


Mae said...

Poor Mandy! I found this site that seems to have some good recommendations:
No worries about Christmas. We'll work something out. We found out that Ian will be off for Thanksgiving, so we should both be able to come see you guys then. Good luck with your appointment today. We love you!

Jill said...

Oh Mandy! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We know this time isn't easy for you, and we hope you are feeling some comfort. If there is anything we can do please let us know! We love you and Emma and hopefully soon she will decide she is ready to make her entrance. We too should be coming for Thanksgiving- at least that is our plan. We can't wait to see you all again soon and keep us posted!

Missy and Brad said...

Mandy-We're praying for all three of you!! We can't wait to see photos of Miss Emma whenever she makes her big debut! *smile*
Missy and Brad

GLS said...

We'll keep you guys in our prayers. Can't wait to hear the news that Emma is here!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.