Friday, August 24, 2007

sooner than later?

i started a myspace account some time ago because mandy had began one, and i soon realized that perhaps public relations is not my strong point. i can't remeber the last time i checked it, and i think i officially sent out mae's first b-day card in my adult life, so i thought maybe this new idea of hers might work better. i'm not responsible for any backrounds, music, surveys, games, or lists of famous people i'd love to meet. i just have to write every now again, and see what happens.

As mandy said in an earlier post i've gone back to school just as she is finishing, and it is in fact going to be quite busy. I will be spending a great deal of time at the kitchen Inc., a free medical clinic that provides services to some of the neediest people in springfield (2nd only to pregnant women in springfield haha). i think this will be a very difficult task, but am excited to see where things will go. General George Patton once said that "no good decision was ever made from a swivel chair", of course implying that one must take an active role in the tasks presented to them rather than to just sit back and hope all goes well. i hope to take this approach to get a jump start before emma arrives and turns the whole world upside down.

Speaking of emma, many have asked if we are ready yet, to which i of course reply absolutely not. we are both getting more excited as the day approaches, and have accepted the fact that she may in fact come sooner than Oct. 6 as the doctor has suggested. However, we just recently came to this conclusion and now find ourselves scurrying to tie up loose ends (like getting diapers that will fit). we are very thankful for the blessings we have received through the gifts we have been given and through the support that we know we have from so many different areas of our lives.

As the day quickly approaches i pray that God will keep mandy and emma healthy and me sane, and that He will give us the strength and insight after she is born to survive the times ahead.


Mae said...

Kevin the Blogger! Yay! It's hard to believe Emma will be here so soon. I don't know that anyone is ever ready, but you guys are going to love that little girl so much and be amazing parents. Besides that, she's going to have the best darn aunt ever. :) Lucky kid.