Thursday, June 5, 2008

Splish splash, Emma's taking a bath

I feel like time is moving so quickly. Sometimes that's a good thing. My very good wonderful friend, Kellie, will be having her second child any time now. I remember the day she called me to tell me she was pregnant and that seems like only a month ago. Sweet Carter will be here soon and I can't wait to kiss his face off and squeze his little cheeks.
I am also so happy that it is almost time for Kevin's sister Mae and her husband Ian to move closer to us! They live in Charlotte right now where Ian is completing a laproscopic fellowship. But they will be moving to Wichita in a month or so which is only about a 4 hour drive away. It is going to be so awesome to be this close because they are expecting their first baby this fall (and I have to be able to kiss his/her face off too!)
Emma is growing so fast. I can't believe she'll be nine months old in a couple weeks. We've just decided it's time to move baths into the big girl tub. Her baby tub turns into a seat that you can put in the big tub to help keep them from going under. She has always enjoyed her baths and smiled and gabbed through them. But man, oh man, she loves taking baths in the big girl tub. She kicks her feet and wiggles her fingers through the water. She really loves it when we pour water on her with a cup (see pic above). She'll be taking showers before I know it. Okay, I'm rushing things a little.


Mae said...

What a sweet girl! It's hard to believe how time flies. I really can't wait to be closer to you guys, too! I don't want to miss any more of Emma's growing-up time. We love you guys!
P.S. The "tsunami" is actually supposed to be a naked woman! We didn't know until some member of the catering staff told us AFTER we'd taken the pics. We figured no one would pay much attention to the background anyway. Oops! :)

Jill said...

I love bathtime! She is too precious!