Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I had a hair appointment today (one of my favorite things in the world) and got quite a bit of my hair cut off. As you can see by the lovely picture taken by my husband, there is still some length in the front but the back is pretty non-existent :) And, I love it. This isn't anything new for me; I've actually had my hair this short and shorter before. I had decided a few years back that I liked having a little more hair to work with but it just takes to long to get ready! Especially now that I have two runts to chase after I want to simply some areas of my life. *I'm trying to convince Kevin that we could really simply other areas by hiring a maid but he's not on board with that one yet*
I also realized that I hadn't really mentioned in any prior posts (sorry!) the family we've had come stay with us and help us welcome Hannah into the family. Kevin's sister, Mae and baby Izzy were the first to meet Hannah. They actually came into town a couple hours before the birth and stayed for a week. It was so awesome having someone at the hospital to greet Hannah, especially since it was so late at night and unexpected. Then, they came back this past weekend with Ian and visited. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and seeing the 3 girl cousins together. Mae and I are hoping to get the girls' picture taken in a few months, when Hannah is a little older; won't that be precious?!
Also, my step-mom was in town right after the birth to meet Hannah and take care of Emma while we were at the hospital and recovering at home. It was so awesome to have her around doing laundry, cooking, and really keeping Emma entertained.
The weekend of Valentine's Day, Kevin's brother Joe and his wife Jill came to visit from Ft. Campbell. Again, we had a wonderful time and it was so nice to see them.
We are so truly thankful for our family and how much they love us and our girls. It places a true peace and happiness in my heart knowing that we have so many people to love our girls, to play with them, to guide them, to lift them in prayer, and be a positive presence in their lives. I admit, it's not something I thought about much before becoming a mom; I didn't realize the value of family in this way. It's true, though, that it is on my mind daily and I am so thankful.
I love ya'll


Heather said...

Love, Love, Love the haircut. I am getting mine done this weekend, and I want to go shorter, but I don't know if I could pull that off. Looks great!

Mae said...

Like the new look! We love you guys so much and are so thankful for you guys, too. Can't wait to see you again soon!

Cortney and Dave said...

And we finally get to meet Hannah this weekend! Yay! Also, I had my hair done too Mandy (on Friday!) it is so different and I am excited to show you! Love and kisses we are almost back home to Springpatch!!! :)