Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I need a maid

Before I went back to work I was feeling pretty awesome because I was super woman. I kept our house clean, ran most the errands, played with the baby all day, caught up on some reading, and even made dinner most nights. I had developed a great routine that allowed me to get everything done and life was grand.
My home now currently looks and feels like a pig pen. I don't know how people do it; how some people do the career thing, the Mom thing, and the domestic Goddess thing. Maybe I'll get a new routine down...

Emma is starting to master the art of grabbing and chewing on toys. She has been sucking on her fists a lot too. It's so amazing to watch. When we put a toy in front of her she locks her eyes on it. You can tell she's really concentrating and getting excited. Her arms will sort of twitch at her sides for a minute, as if she's trying to remember how to reach. Then, it clicks, and both arms come forward and together and she experiences victory. You can really see the satisfaction in her face. What a blessing to witness.


Mrs. Misty said...

I think it is normal for your house to look like a pig pin!!!! Mine does most days...until I can't take it anymore!!!!!

Garrett has the same little shirt that Emma has on!!!

Missy and Brad said...

Mandy-You're still a super woman, no matter what you're house looks like!

Missy and Brad said...

Oops...make that "your house" not "you're house."

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