Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today's letter is "B"

My SIL Mae is playing a fun game on her blog. She was "assigned" a letter from another blogger and had to come up with a list of 10 things she loves that begins with that letter. She has assigned me the letter B. If you want to play, comment me and I'll pass on another letter to you!

(I'm feeling kinda lazy so forgive me for not uploading pics with mine. Also, this is in no particular order)

1) Burgers. My palatte is very un-sophisticated. I would take a yummy burger and fries over steak any day. And, I'm sad to admit, I love fast-food burgers. I know they are so bad for me but they're so tasty. My fav is probably the Big Mac. Ahh, I should probably try to steer clear of them for a while though since I'm not really digging the whole "post-second-baby-body."

2) Babies. Granted, I love my own 2 babies best (with friends and family's babies coming in after that) But, I have always loved babies. I can't resist their little gummy grins and soft skin. I've often said that one of my favorite smells in the whole world is a baby's breath. I love how dependent they are on us, how trusting they are and how non-judgemental. I have a horrible singing voice but Emma will still snuggle into me at night when I sing You Are My Sunshine to her. There are days when I think it would be so fun to work in a daycare and hold babies all day. (Then I remember that there is usually lots of pooping and puking and decide I'm doing well enough to take care of my own)

3) Boyfriends. Well, just 1 actually. My wonderful husband Kevin was also my first "real" boyfriend in high school. Now I know that all husbands start out as a boyfriend, but not all of them are 16 and play on the soccer team. Although we had lots of drama in our highschool dating years, I love being able to look back at the early days and have memories of him at that stage in our lives. Working on homework, going to games, and rushing home for curfew and some of my most cherished moments with him. Ugh, I'm so glad we grew up though :)

4) Breakfast. Breakfast food is probably my favorite. We rarely eat anything for breakfast beyond a cereal bar or instant oatmeal, but when we go out for breakfast I'm in heaven. I have this horrible habit of wanting to eat all of my favorites during such fantastic occassions and I over-order and over-eat. This usually leads to me feeling crummy and needing a nap. In case you're wondering, my favorites are biscuits & gravy, sausage, pancakes and hashbrowns.

5) Back rubs. Do I really need to say more?

6) Buying stuff. Ok, so this is a little stretch for starting with B but I can't help it. I love to shop and I'm really starting to love online shopping.

7) Books. I've loved to read for as long as I can remember. The last several years, I go through spurts of reading several books back-to-back and then taking a break for a few months. I've always read fiction until the last two years; I've started really getting into Christian literature. Some of my current fav authors are Rob Bell, Donald Miller, John Ortberg, Max Lucado and Lee Stroble.

8) Brain-teasers. I have several puzzle books full of brain-teasers, logic puzzles, word puzzles, etc. When I feel bored, I'll bust them out and be nerdy for an hour or two. It's not so much about exercising the brain, I just think they're kinda fun. Kevin thinks I'm weird.

9) Baked goods. Mmmmm, I love cake, cupcakes, pie, cookies, candy, etc. I never used to be in to sweets, but since my first pregnancy I've had an insane sweet-tooth. Again, not doing so much good with those burgers for my post-babies-body. My best defense is to not let any of the stuff be in the house. Of course, that requires self-restraint in the grocery store...Oh, well, you can't win them all :)

10) Buddies. I'm blessed with many great friends (including my awesome in-laws). A girl can never have too many shoes or too many best buds.


Cortney and Dave said...

Hi Mandy! Love your new post:) I am tempted to ask you for a letter even though I should only be focusing on homework - blah! O.k. what the H, send me one anyway!:) Or two, and I will have Dave do one also:) Love you all! Cort

Three Gals and a Guy said...

Yay Cort!!! I give you the letter "R" and if you can talk Dave into playing I give him the letter "T"!!