Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I feel like I haven't updated the blog in a while and now that I have cute costume pics of Emma I'm motivated to sit down and type a post. :) So, where do I begin?

Last Saturday, Kev, Emma, and I headed to Wichita for the imminent birth of our new neice! Turns out, birth wasn't so imminent. Kev and Emma headed home on Sunday but I stayed until Thursday, knowing, that baby girl would come any second. Alas, I still am not an aunt. I am fairly confident that will change in the next day or so. Please, please pray for Mae and Ian that they have a healthy baby girl and that Mae can find strength and comfort in labor. Ian and Mae are going to be great parents. (And I will be a fabulous aunt!)

Emma is becoming a pro at walking. She is everywhere! It is so amazing to see her toddling around the house. She's also starting to talk a lot. She sounds like she is speaking full sentences- in another language. She is so sweet to us and loves to cuddle and give kisses. The other night I asked her if she would rub my belly and she did so and then laid her head on it like a pillow. I'm taking this as a sign that her and Hannah will be best friends and get along all the time ;)

Trick-or-Treating last night was alot of fun. Emma really enjoyed walking up driveways and waving to the people answering the door. The first house we went to Emma smiled really big and waved and really won the lady over. She put like 3 handfulls of candy in Emma's pumpkin! The best part is that there are very few candies Emma can have a bite of which means Mommy and Daddy get the rest. Sweet! By the end of the night, she was pretty exhauseted and all Treated-out. She passed out and slept until 9AM this morning which I think is a record.

We're just hanging out at home today and enjoying some time together. Emma is napping right now and Kevin is going through some paperwork. We hope all of you had a great Halloween and are enjoying your weekend!


Jill said...

That's the cutest little fairy I've ever seen! Yay for candy and Halloween!