Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We're still alive...

Grrr! I haven't been able to find time to blog lately, so forgive me for being long-winded.

Things are going great with Emma. She is doing so awesome at daycare. Kim, the lady who watches her, says she hardly ever fusses and plays all day. There is another baby named Violet that is 2 weeks older than Emma. It's kinda freaky because they look SO much alike. So much so, Violet's dad tried to take Emma home with him by mistake!

Emma is now a total champ at grabbing toys and chewing on them now. She loves to grab on to anything she can get her hands on and then proceeds to slobber (sp?) all over it. A bib is part of her every day attire do to the constant stream of spit running down her chin. She doesn't seem to mind, though.

Kevin is having a really busy semester. We had kinda hoped that this last semester was going to be easy in comparison to the others but it's not looking like that will be the case. He has been at the hospital for last 9 days straight working/doing clinicals. I think he's going to need a vacation when May rolls around.
Work is going pretty well for me. I am hanging in the wait right now for an evaluation and potential raise/promotion. I'm hoping to find out more about that any day now. I'm still working on getting some sort of routine down.

We finally got to meet with Parents as Teachers tonight. It was fabulous and I'm so glad we signed up. Our parent educator will be coming back to see Emma in May. She's also going to bring me a bunch of brochures to hand out at Jordan Valley about P as T so that we can give it to our patients, so that will be awesome.

In other news, please keep our friends Joel and Misty in your prayers. Misty is pregnant with a baby girl due in April but has recently been put on bed-rest. This is going to be a long wait for them.

I hope all is well with everyone. I will try to get on here a little more often. Cheers!!!


Mrs. Misty said...

Glad to see you finally posted!!!! This is my only way to look out on the outside world!!!! Glad to hear that daycare is going well. My mom is now watching Garrett. It is a total blessing to have his grandma as his babysitter!!!

Jill said...

Yay, new pictures! I have been finding it hard to find time to post too, although I know I am not as busy as you! I am glad things are going well for you guys. I have been thinking of you. She just gets more beautiful every day doesn't she? We love her and you guys too!

Mrs. Misty said...

Mandy...I was going to email you, but I wasn't sure which email address to use. I got your comment about coming over and we would love to have you over. We are pretty would be fabulous to have some adult contact!!! Send me an email, or give us a call.

GLS said...

Love the updated pics...Emma is such a litte cutie-pie!!! Hope you hear some good news with your upcoming evaluation!