Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Santa is flexible!

Emma is lucky enough to have Santa visit her twice this year. This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with my family in Farmington. It was so much fun. My step-sister has 2 children (4 yr old and 6 month old) and my step-brother and his wife are due with their first baby in days. My dad said,"Can you believe next X-mas there will be three 1 yr olds and a 5yr old?!" It's pretty fun to think about.

Today is Kevin's last day of the semester and it couldn't have come a moment too soon. It has been a tough few months but only 1 semester left until he graduates! Yay! I'm a proud wife; he has done amazing in his program on top of working, taking care of a pregnant wife, and then caring for his new baby girl.

Today is the Christmas party for my work and I'm going to take Emma. It will be nice to re-connect with co-workers before starting back up in January. I have the most fabulous job and boss which is the only reason I can bear the thought of leaving Emma in daycare. I'm praying for a smooth transition...

Now we're just waiting for next Friday when we'll make our journey to Charlotte for Santa's 2nd visit. I hope you are all having a great week!