Thursday, October 9, 2008

Her name shall be...

In my family, it's sort of a tradition that Dad picks the name for the kids. My siblings and I were all named by our dad, my mom and all her siblings by their dad. As many of you know, Kevin chose Emma's name (and a great selection it was!). We thought there's no reason for this baby to be any different so he has been compiling a list of names for our new daughter.

We had been toying with the idea of the name ending with the "uh" sound, like Emma. We also have been fairly certain that the middle name would be the same as my mom's, who passed away in December of '06.

After much deliberation, a decision has been made. Our new daughter's name will be........

Hannah Sue Costello
I don't know why it is so comforting to have her name chosen; maybe because it helps her feel more real and like she's here with us already. Whatever the reason, I am excited to begin calling her Hannah when I'm rubbing my belly instead of "baby girl".
In other baby news, Kevin's sister Mae is getting very close to having her baby. Her actual due date isn't for another 5 weeks or so but it seems she will probably make her debut a bit sooner. We can't wait to hold her and give her kissies. Please keep Mae and Ian in your prayers that the rest of the pregnancy goes well and that the baby doesn't feel too rushed make an entrance ;)